“For the past few years, the term “going green” has become a popular idea with restaurants. An innovative pizza shop in Red Bank, named Pizza Fusion, has truly “gone green,” reported The FalconaireOnline.com. This pizza shop makes a fantastic line up of original and delicious pizzas, while remaining organic and earth friendly. Almost every part of this pizzeria is natural and green. The food is delivered in hybrid vehicles, the to-go bags are biodegradable, and even their uniforms are organic! The majority of the pizzas and entrees are all organic, as well as some of the beverages. Not only does organic food taste better, but it is also better for you. On average, organic foods contain 25% higher concentration of 11 nutrients than their conventional counterparts according to The Organic Center. The food at Pizza Fusion is organic, natural, and most of all, delicious.”
“The restaurant serves up a long list of delicious appetizers, sandwiches, soups & salads, and signature pizzas. The majority of the toppings on these pizzas are organic and/or vegan. The pizza crust is also customizable, from Original Organic White, to Multi-Grain, and even Gluten-Free.”