(Press Release) Sun Valley, CA, June 25, 2012, — N’Joy Gourmet Oatmeal Kits are an easy way for operators to take advantage of today’s strong interest in gourmet oatmeal. The N’Joy kits come complete with individual packets of instant oatmeal, plus delicious topping packets that make it easy for consumers to elevate their oatmeal beyond the traditional. These handy, self-serve N’Joy Gourmet Oatmeal Kits let almost any operator capitalize on the increasing popularity of oatmeal, with virtually no added labor costs. For more information about N’Joy Gourmet Oatmeal Kits, visit www.sugarfoods.com or call Sugar Foods Corporation at 888-708-2222.
Perfect for self-service environments like cafeterias, breakfast bars and c-stores, these kits help operators meet consumers’ growing demand for oatmeal as a healthy, convenient breakfast option. N’Joy Gourmet Oatmeal Kits are available in four flavors: