Starting from March 1st 2009, the moulders for Pizza, Pressform, both in the models PF/350 and PF/500, will be equipped with new strengthened reduction gears of upper class and provided, over that with the double safety micro-switch, also with a system of thermal protection of the motor.
Besides, the coachworks will be produced in dust-painted stainless steel and polymerized on oven with features of high resistance in the classical OEM colour instead of the actual stainless steel finish.
The new machines have overcome the laboratory tests at 500.000 cycles (equivalent to the medium output of around 2.000 pizzas/week for 5 years).
The reason for such choice, in addition to conform the aesthetics to the other ranges of product, is to answer to the application of the market for an easier cleaning and resistance to the usury and the scratches of the same machine.
The pizza “hot” formers belonging to the PRESSFORM series uniformly and automatically forms in a few seconds the pizza base dough by rolling it out in dough disks with a diameter between 30 to 50 cm. like an expert pizza maker. All the models can be supplied with a flared upper plate in order to form automatically the edge or it is possible to provide a totally smooth plate to obtain a flat dough disk.
Thanks to a balanced scheme of heat and strenght, the machine could roll out more than 300 dough pans. production
Thanks to the resistors places in both plates, the dough disk preserve the natural net gluten inside.
In that way only during the baking the air cells generated during the rising will open giving off the gas and taking inside the stuffing that will be deeply rooted in the dough. The final result is that all the foodstuff organoleptic proprieties will be intact.
Just a “pizza maker champion” could be the same but not with the same speed.
Pressform is representing a ideal solution for the modern catering like: pizza take away, pizza shops, pizza corner in a shopping malls etc. and just a “click” will generate a outstanding performances.