(Washington, DC) – The National Restaurant Association, which represents an industry of 12.8 million employees who work at 935,000 restaurant and foodservice locations, considered the vote on the Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND) Amendment to S. 1348 a “key vote.” The Association considers S. 1348 a top legislative priority for the restaurant industry this Congress and therefore opposes the amendment as it seeks to eliminate the non-agricultural worker program from Title IV of the bill. The key vote letter was sent to all Senators today.
The National Restaurant Association continues to support comprehensive reform that strengthens our borders; provides a way for employers to hire from abroad when U.S. workers are not available; creates a program for the undocumented to pay a penalty before earning permanent legal status; and establishes a verification system that is effective, inexpensive and reliable, and does not unfairly penalize employers.