1. Accurately weigh out all ingredients.
2. Pour water & sugar, salt in 60 qt. mixing bowl. Stir with wire whip. Let rest to dissolve and stir again.
3. Pour in veg. oil and stir again.
4. Pour in flour.
5. Sprinkle Instant yeast on top of flour.
6. Start mixer on low speed and mix for 10 minutes.
When dough has finished mixing place on worktable. Core temperature of dough should be close to 80F. Cut dough balls to desired weights. Suggested weights:10=9oz. 12=12oz. 14=18oz. 16=22oz.
Roll dough pieces into seamless round ball shapes.
Place the dough balls on an oiled aluminum sheet pan.
Cover with a plastic bun pan bag and date with a magic marker. Place dough under refrigeration. 35-38F is ideal.
This formula is a low-yeast, next-day retarded formula. The dough needs to rest in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours before using. Two day proofing is better. Then the dough will have great flavor. The useful shelf life of the dough before it over raises and starts to blow, is 3 days, not counting day one.
To soften the dough and reduce elasticity one may add 8 oz. of PZ-44 dough conditioner to the batch when you add the yeast. This natural reducer eliminates the snap back tendencies of dough made from Hi-Gluten flour and makes the dough more user friendly for operations that don’t have experience in hand tossing and spinning.