DNAinfo.com reports, “Ask devotees of the original Ray’s Pizza what makes a perfect slice, and you’ll get any number of answers: just enough oil; a ridge of oven-fresh dough; or a rich, creamy layer of cheese. The city may be full of imitators, they say, but there’s nothing like the original. ‘You come down here and it’s hot out of the oven, and the cheese is really creamy,’ said Randy Warshaw, 27, who lives on the Lower East Side. ‘The other chains are exactly that—chains.'”
“Long-time fans and newcomers alike crowded into the Little Italy pizzeria for a last taste of Prince Street’s reigning plain pie, tucking into $1.50 slices to bid farewell to a neighborhood institution. Rays — which was opened in 1959 by Ralph Cuomo and spawned dozens of imitators across the city — was expected to serve its last slice Sunday night because a legal dispute with the building’s landlord forced the 52-year-old institution to close.”