According to, “Only a handful of folks have signed up to eat all the pizza they can for Flancer’s Café’s 10th annual charity contest next week.”
“‘People have a tendency to wait until the last minute. Last year, we had a waiting list at the end,’ said Tuni Flancer, who co-owns the Gilbert restaurant with her husband, Jeff. Flancer’s Café marks its 10th anniversary with its Pizza Eating Contest, which starts at 11 a.m. April 11. The person who eats the most pizza in 15 minutes will receive a pizza-shaped crown from Miss Arizona 2009, Savanna Troupe, and $500. Gilbert Mayor John Lewis will be a ‘celebrity judge.’ Last year, Chiun “Jimmy” Peng beat 24 others by eating 13 slices. All that bolting down is for a cause: The contest benefits the Wounded Warrior/Disabled Sports USA, which provides year-round sports programs for severely wounded veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan.”