Flatbread is holding a fundraising event for the “Welcome Home” parade, to mark the end of the war in Iraq,” according to the Portsmouth Patch.
“On Tuesday, June 5, from 5 to 9 p.m., Flatbread will donate $3.50 for each large flatbread pizza and $1.75 for each small pizza sold during this time to the “Welcome Home” parade committee so various costs can be covered.
“We are asking for community support and participation in this unique event,” says, Josh Denton, Iraq veteran and coordinator of the parade. “Flatbread is supporting the parade and we are grateful for this,” Denton says. In addition, raffle tickets will be sold by recent veterans at the door to win gift certificates to various Portsmouth establishments.
Portsmouth is the first city or town in New Hampshire, and possibly New England, to schedule such an event, says Denton. Portsmouth citizens joined with the city to co-sponsor the parade celebrating the return of U.S. military personnel from Iraq by thanking the returning veterans from both Afghanistan and Iraq and everyone who supported them during their deployment.”