PMQ was recently approached by a writer at Morning Consult regarding the possibility of a divide between Republicans and Democrats when it comes to choosing chains or independent pizzerias.
While PMQ usually stays out of political conversations, our company co-founder and publisher Steve Green did discuss the fact that geography could play a role, seeing how chain pizzerias tend to exist in greater numbers in red states.
The article uses data from CHD Expert to compile a state-by-state breakout to illustrate how states that voted for Trump have a higher percentage of sales from pizza chains than those states that voted for Clinton.
The story goes on to report that, "The partisan divide dissolves when considering ordering habits: Similar percentages of Democrats (41 percent) and Republicans (42 percent) said they order pizza every couple of weeks, according to separate Morning Consult polling of 2,201 U.S. adults from Jan. 11-16."
Just goes to show that in the end, everyone loves pizza, no matter which political party they favor.