The average hotel guest checks in between 4 and 7 p. m.; they’re tired, hungry and don’t know where to eat. Sure, a chain restaurant is always safe, but if they could discover a local pizzeria, available via speed dial on their hotel phone right at check-in, they may be inclined to choose your store over the competition.
“The demographic we target with hotel room key advertising is highly susceptible to taking action. We don’t print on key sleeves, only keys themselves, the very thing these out-of-town guests will keep with them and look at several times each day during their trip,” says Kevin Coughlin, projects manager at Global Media Group (GMG).
How does it work?
Global Media Group manages the relationship between your store and a hotel in your area that agrees to use hotel keys exclusively printed with your promotional material and distribute them to the tens of thousands of guests they see each year.
After assessing the number of keys needed based on hotel capacity, GMG proposes a one-time fee to cover a 12-month period, which gives exclusive advertising to the pizzeria and unlimited keys to the hotel. Coughlin explains, “Calculating ROI is easy because there are no additional fees. If a hotel runs out of keys before the end of 12 months, we print more and supply them directly to the hotel at no additional cost to the pizzeria, shipping included. ”
Ideal for independents
The high level of customer service makes Global Media Group unique in its field and ideal for the independent. GMG guarantees that the keys they produce hold up to the hotel’s brand standards and use the proper type of MAG strip, which varies among hotels. GMG follows up with the hotel for you to ensure the program is running efficiently and reports back to you.
In addition, GMG offers a number of services at no additional charge, including full custom graphic design of your hotel key, programming your store’s number into the hotel’s speed dial (when available) and negotiating your menu’s presence at each hotel.
“Over 80% of our advertisers with Global Media Group renew every year with us because the program works! It speaks for itself,” says Coughlin. With 16 years and counting in the hotel key business, Global Media Group is confident you will see a return on your investment. Contact them at 800-380-0668 or visit