• A new Home Run Inn Pizza survey digs into Americans’ likes and dislikes when it comes to frozen pizzas.
  • In the midst of a vegan pizza boom in restaurants nationwide, only 6% of the respondents ranked meatless substitutes as their favorite topping.

What do Americans have against hamburger meat? According to a national survey by Home Run Inn Pizza, it’s one of our least favorite toppings for a frozen pizza. But it still rates higher than meatless substitutes.

Despite a boom in vegan pizza at restaurants around the country, Home Run Inn’s 2022-23 Frozen Pizza Consumer Report found that meatless substitutes ranked at the bottom of adult respondents’ favorite frozen pizza toppings, preferred by only 6%. Even the much-maligned pineapple performed better at 21%, beating out Canadian bacon at 20% and tomatoes at 19%. (What’s wrong with Canadian bacon, people? Do you want our friends up north to feel bad?)

Do you like vegan toppings on your pizza? Get the latest info at PizzaVegan.com.

Hamburger meat was preferred by just 17% of the survey’s respondents. Not so surprising: Pepperoni tops the list of our favorite toppings at 67%, followed by cheese at 61%, sausage at 50% and mushrooms at 42%.

None of that is likely to surprise professional pizza-makers. But another figure from the report might come as a bit of a shock: 46% of the respondents said they’d purchased a frozen pizza that was “superior in taste or quality” to a pizza from a pizzeria or restaurant. (Are they deliberately trying to pick a fight?)

Oh, and fully one-half of the consumers in the survey said pizza is their favorite food. The other 50% are clearly off their rockers.

Some of the respondents are true romantics: 31% said they’d served a frozen pizza for a date or on a date, including 35% of the males.

Meanwhile, the survey offered some good news for the planet, as 53% said they’re more inclined to purchase a frozen pizza from a brand that “clearly states the packaging is ‘sustainable’ or ‘recyclable.’”

Looking for ways to dress up your frozen pizza? From “beets and sweets” to fried pickles, Home Run Inn offers some possibilities here.

Pizza News