According to a press release, Ynot pizzeria raised more than $3,000 in a single day to benefit Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters (CHKD), why not do it again – only better? On June 24th the family oriented ‘kid friendly’ YNot will offer a large 14” cheese pizza for $9.99 with $5 – 100% of the profit – of every sale going directly to CHKD. Tony Disilvestro, co-founder, in the family owned and operated restaurants, explains, “Last year we had people lining up like crazy. They came out hard-core to support CHKD and we’re very thankful. This year our goal is to sell 1,000 pizzas and raise 5,000 for CHKD. We are giving to a great establishment and our customers are getting a deep discount. It’s a win-win situation.”
Having the shared vision of ‘being all about the children’ YNot chose to collaborate with CHKD. The Disilvestro family saw first hand the excellence in quality and service after a young family member was a patient there. The Disilvestro family recently toured CHKD. Disilvestro adds, “This is an amazing facility, I am in awe of the work they do. It’s reassuring to know that an outstanding Children’s Hospital exists locally in Hampton Roads. The real reason to support CHKD is simply ’It’s all about the Kids!’”
Ashley Dorey, Development Officer at Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters stated, “We are thrilled that Y-Not Pizza has chosen to work with CHKD again this year and support the children at the hospital through this wonderful fundraiser. It was a great success last year and we are privileged to be working with Y-Not Pizza again this year.” The offer will be honored at both area locations from 11am – 11pm on Wednesday June 24, 2009. While their operations will have to be streamlined for such a community event, other featured items will include are buffalo wings, Ynot’s signature Caprese salad and homemade spaghetti.
About CHKD – CHKD is a full-service pediatric regional referral center serving southeastern Virginia and Northeastern North Carolina. It was founded in 1961 on the philosophy that children deserve the highest quality of medical care. Today, thousands of children from birth up to 21 years old who are stricken with illnesses such as birth defects, breathing disorders, cancer, cystic fibrosis, heart defects, and traumatic injuries turn to CHKD’s experts for premier health care. Visit for more information.
About YNot Pizza – Y-Not Pizza was established in the Virginia Beach area in June, 1993. YNOT is committed to providing high-quality food served by a friendly, courteous staff. The operation is owned and operated by the Disilvestro family. Currently they have locations in Great Neck and Kempsville. Visit their website at