Hala Moddelmog, President/CEO of Susan G. Komen for the Cure® to Keynote
WFF Prestigious SOAR Award to Honor Organization that Champions Diversity
MINNEAPOLIS, MN (March 17, 2008) – The Women’s Foodservice Forum (WFF) will be drawing more than 800 industry representatives to attend the WFF Annual Leadership Luncheon during the 2008 NRA Show. Held Monday, May 19th from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM in the Vista Ballroom at the McCormick Place Convention Center, the Luncheon will feature an engaging keynote address by Hala Moddelmog, President and CEO of Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
During her presentation, Moddelmog, former President of Church’s Chicken, will share how she is driving corporate change using skills learned in Foodservice to retool and lead a global movement to find the cures for breast cancer. Moddelmog will demonstrate how experiences gained in the quick-service food industry, including involvement with a highly diverse workforce and the need to pinpoint change and effect it quickly, have benefited Susan G. Komen for the Cure in the fight to end breast cancer forever.
Also during the Luncheon, the WFF will announce the recipient of this year’s coveted Jackie B. Trujillo SOAR Award, recognizing a Foodservice organization for championing gender diversity. The SOAR Award (Standard Setter for Opportunity, Advancement and Recognition) is the highest honor an organization can receive from the WFF.
The WFF will also be offering a business-building workshop with an interactive panel of top industry executives at the NRA Show. Moderated by WFF President Mary Bentley, the panel will discuss how organizations can help women develop the necessary skills to achieve and succeed in the C-Suite. The workshop will be held Sunday, May 18th from 10:00 -11:30 AM in room 402B at McCormick Place.
For registration and further information on the 2008 WFF Annual Leadership Luncheon, co-sponsored by the NRA, please visit www.womensfoodserviceforum.com <http://www.womensfoodserviceforum.com> and stop by the WFF booth, #5005, on the NRA Show Floor. Please note: A 2008 NRA badge is required to attend the WFF Annual Leadership Luncheon. Visit www.restaurant.org/show/ <http://www.restaurant.org/show/> for more information on 2008 NRA Show registration.
The Women’s Foodservice Forum is the premier leadership development community for collective insights and connections that empower women in the Foodservice industry to envision and achieve their highest potential. With more than 3,500 members from all segments of the foodservice industry, including restaurant operations, manufacturing, distribution, publishing and consulting, Women’s Foodservice Forum is committed to helping elevate women leaders. Through highly beneficial keynote addresses and workshops at the Annual Leadership Development Conference, Regional Connect events, mentoring and more, WFF provides members with the tools needed to make a positive difference in their careers. For more information about Women’s Foodservice Forum, please visit the website www.womensfoodserviceforum.com.