MADISON, Wis. (March 2007) – The Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board offers two new foodservice brochures to chefs looking to source artisan Wisconsin cheeses.
The updated Cheeses of Wisconsin brochure includes new photography and chef-inspired menu applications for 38 Wisconsin cheese varieties – including several “Wisconsin originals,” such as Wisconsin Italico™ and Wisconsin Les Frères®. The brochure also features a fold-out Wisconsin Cheese guide that provides basic cheese descriptions in an artful display for quick and easy reference.
The 2007 Wisconsin Artisan and Farmstead Dairy brochure contains product and contact information for the 61 artisan and farmstead dairies in the state.
Chefs interested in sourcing limited-supply artisan dairy products such as mixed milk cheese, farmstead cheese and organic milk and butter, need look no further than this all-inclusive guide to specialty Wisconsin dairies. The comprehensive resource highlights the types of milk used (cow, goat or sheep) as well as specialty cheese making techniques such as unique affinage methods.
Wisconsin’s highly skilled cheesemakers produce more than 600 varieties, types and styles of cheese and take pride in their product – in fact, it’s their secret ingredient. Now chefs have easy-to-use resources available to help select cheeses and cheesemakers who reflect their own culinary passions.
Both brochures are available to order online at