According to a news report from, “An authentic pizza in three minutes? The reaction from Italy’s pizzaioli today was as scorching as the temperature of the wood-fired ovens in which they make their venerated dish.”
“Claudio Torghele, who has invented the “Let’s Pizza” machine, claims that it can make a pizza by beating flour and water into a dough, stretching the dough into the classic round shape and then adding tomato sauce and toppings to choice – cheese and tomato, vegetables, ham or bacon – before baking it in an infrared oven and finally sliding the finished product into the hands of the customer, all for a modest €3.50 (£3.25). That’s half the price of eating one in the average Italian pizzeria,” said the story. “Pino Morelli, head of the Association of Italian Pizzerias, said: “Something that comes out of an automatic machine has nothing to do with Italian pizza. It might be alright for McDonalds and other fast-food chains or for foreign markets like the US, China and India but anyone wanting to eat a real pizza has to go to a traditional pizzeria”. He said that the number of aspiring pizzaioli on officially approved pizza-making courses had risen by a quarter over the past year, with graduates going on to practise their skills not only in Italy but in countries such as Australia, where they could earn the equivalent of €7,000 a month.”