Summertime’s the right time to start a new neighborhood marketing strategy and create goodwill in your area. To get started, Tom Feltenstein of Tom Feltenstein’s Power Marketing Academy, recommends this idea: Select several employees with strong people skills and dispatch them to deliver free samples of your menu items to businesses and non-profits throughout a four-block area around your store. Make sure they bring plenty of menus and coupons to hand out, too. Send these goodwill ambassadors out every day until they’ve canvassed the entire neighborhood!
Get seven more neighborhood marketing ideas at
Learn the Art of Text-Message Marketing
Studies show that 95% of text messages are read by consumers within four minutes of receipt. Text-message marketing is virtually guaranteed to get eyeballs and, because customers have to opt in to receive your messages, you know you’re targeting the right people. The key is to hit them with a well-crafted message. Hint: Always offer something of immediate value and explain the benefits of acting NOW to redeem the offer.
Learn more secrets of successful text-based marketing at
Win $1,000 with your videos!
If you have an existing video about your pizzeria, or just want to use this contest as an excuse to break out the camera, we want to hear from you. We will accept videos of any length under 30 minutes—you could even submit a 6-second Vine video shot with your phone. We are looking for creative and interesting entries. Even if you don’t win, your video could be featured on PizzaTV.
• Go to to complete your entry form & email a link to your video to by July 1, 2016
• Winner will be announced by August 1, 2016
The Pizza Kitchen: Garden Patch Pizza
After a stroll through the garden, PMQ Test Chef Brian Hernandez comes up with a multi-hued vegetarian pizza recipe—we’re talking broccoli, red bell peppers, green onions and pineapple tidbits—that will color your world delicious.
Watch the video at now.
Free Party for 5th Graders Wins Headlines for Leucadia Pizzeria
When 31 fifth-graders at La Costa Heights Elementary School in Encinitas, California, wrote letters to their favorite businesses as part of a class project, only one of them responded—and, not surprisingly, it was a pizzeria owner. Chip Conover, owner of Leucadia Pizzeria, didn’t just write back—he and wife Linda threw a free end-of-the-year pizza party for the entire class. And the result was free publicity for Leucadia in the local media and loads of goodwill in the community.
Read more about this textbook example of smart marketing at