Special to PMQ Readers: Help Us Test-Drive PizzaTV.com!
PMQ's mission has always been to help our readers sell more pizza. Now, with the development of PizzaTV.com, we want to help consumers know where to buy the best pizza in town—that's right, from YOU! We've been working hard to perfect the site, but we need your help:
Step 1: Test-drive the site, PizzaTV.com, clicking on as many links as possible.
Step 2: If you find a navigational problem, broken link or any working issue within the site, please email the following information to info@pizzatv.com:
- Are you accessing the site from a desktop (Mac or PC), tablet (what brand?), or smartphone (Android or Apple)?
- What browser did you use (i.e., Safari, Chrome, etc.)?
- Copy and paste the exact URL of the page in question, or send a screen shot
- Describe the issue in detail
- Include any other questions about the site you might have
Thanks for helping the PizzaTV team create a better site to serve the entire pizza restaurant industry!