Tempe, AZ – November 1, 2007 – The grassroots charm of Boulders on Broadway Bar and Grill aptly fit the 3 rd annual Tour De Fat hosted by New Belgium Beer. Boulders was one of only three food vendors partnered with the event. The bikes-beers-bands event attracts more than 3,000 people while focusing on gaining awareness of using sustainable practices. The criteria to serve food at this event are based on the caterer’s ability to serve food without producing large amounts of waste. Boulders’ Honey-Beef BBQ accompanied by compost-able forks, plates and cups all made from corn products were a feature item at the biking folly. Arizona Clean and Beautiful was on site making the event nearly zero waste.
The city of Tempe’s Field Operations Division is responsible for the collection and disposal of trash and recycling generated from all residential and some commercial facilities in Tempe. Their goal; to recycle as much of our trash as possible, conserve natural resources, extend landfill life, minimize the cost of disposal, and improve the quality of life in the community. Tempe sees the best ways to achieve these goals are source reduction, recycling, composting, and sanitary land filling. This integrated approach gives the opportunity to find solid waste solutions that are safe, environmentally responsible and cost effective.
Erick Geryol and wife, Rochelle owners of local restaurant Boulders on Broadway’s, a rock-climbing / mountain biking themed restaurant, embrace this philosophy. Geryol passionately states, “In one night I can recycle more glass than the entire block behind me will use in a month. It is just good sense to be a good steward and a responsible member of our neighborhood.” Presently Tempe does not have many mandates for this sort of thing. “Eventually the city and state will pass restrictions and make policies that govern responsible action. I want to be not only ahead of the curve but a model for it”, says Geroyl. At present Boulders on Broadway proudly displays a ‘GREEN Sheet’ for customers to note their results:
- Changed 44 lights over to low energy use bulbs (about half the energy)
* The restaurant industry (#1 electricity consumer in retail sector) accounts for 33% of all U.S. retail electricity use – GRA Eco-Fact
- We have begun our recycling of cardboard (2 yards / week )
- Implemented power up and power down periods each day (lowered year over year energy use by 1000 KW)
- Began glass recycling (nearly 5 barrels / week)
- Fixed water leak and changed settings on Air conditioner (Saved 30,000 gallons of water in first 2 weeks) our goal is to cut usage in half.
* The average restaurant uses 300,000 gallons of water per year – GRA Eco-Fact
- Phased out the use of Styrofoam containers, replaced with completely recyclable to go container.
* Each year the average American throws away about 100 polystyrene foam cups, each expected to last over 500 years – GRA Eco-Fact
Geroyl’s restaurant experience has taught him that having empathy for the customer’s concerns is a key to success. “I have vested interest in the environment and community around me. I love spending time in the mountains and forests. Knowing that I own a large building which will consume vast amounts of resources over the course of the year is a huge responsibility. Knowing the impact that I can make by just making a little effort is humbling. The cost is minimal compared to the everlasting benefits.” Geroyl promotes eco-friendly decisions by providing guests with informative table tents for conversation pieces.
To view Boulders On Broadway’s healthy menu, visit www.BouldersOnBroadway.com , or call 480.921.9431
* Green Restaurant Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating an environmentally sustainable restaurant industry
Marketing Contact: Scott Anthony 814.591.1489 Email: FoxsPizza56@aol.com www.PizzaPartner.com
Erick Geryol
Boulders on Broadway
530 West Broadway Road
Tempe, Arizona 85282
Email: BouldersOnBroadway@cox.net