Houston, TX – July 18, 2008
Revention, a leading provider of advanced restaurant management solutions, is pursuing the highest level of credit card compliance based on the recently released Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard. Revention CEO Jeff Doyle says, “Protecting our customers’ data is one of our highest priorities. As point-of-sale (POS) security breaches become increasingly common among retailers, it is imperative that POS providers such as Revention carefully examine their existing data protection procedures for vulnerabilities. Our goal is to be proactive rather than reactive, and as a result, we are working diligently to provide our customers with the most advanced cardholder data protection available.”
Revention is the only POS solution in the pizza industry to obtain this level of credit card security. Revention recommends that all pizza owners and operators closely examine their existing POS systems. Jeff Doyle says, “If you currently own a POS system, or are planning to purchase one, it is imperative that you discuss their credit card security features. Any POS system that does not utilize the PCI standards puts operators at risk for credit card data theft. Credit card security breaches can result in heavy fines for restaurant operators. Operators should ask themselves if going with an unsecured POS solution is worth that risk.” Data recorded by Visa since January 2005 states that restaurants made up over 40% of incidents in which criminals gained unauthorized access to credit card information via a POS system.
To ensure that customer credit card data is protected, Revention has implemented new operational and application securities designed to satisfy PCI cardholder data protection procedures: build and maintain a secure network, protect cardholder data, maintain a vulnerability management program, implement strong access control measures, regularly monitor and test networks, and maintain an information security policy.