Hot honey keeps getting hotter. Not as in spicy-burn-your-mouth hotter, just more and more in demand. Combining the natural sweetness of honey with the heat of chili peppers and other spices, it adds that little something extra to any pizza and appeals to both traditionalists and more adventurous eaters.

There are some terrific hot-honey brands on the market, but if you’d like to make your own, it’s easier than you might think. Myke Olsen, owner of Myke’s Pizza in Mesa, Arizona, shared this recipe with PMQ’s readers. Just be careful with those chili peppers!

Spicy Honey

Recipe provided by Myke’s Pizza

5 lb. honey
2 oz. chilies de árbol
2 oz. ancho chilies
8 oz. fresh jalapeños

Pour honey into a 5-qt. saucepan. While wearing gloves, lightly crush the chilies de árbol. Tear or cut the ancho chilies in half. Roughly chop jalapeños. Add dried and fresh chilies to the honey. Heat honey over low heat (about 200°F) for one hour. If the honey begins to foam, simmer, boil or steam, reduce the heat. Allow the honey to cool. Strain the honey and discard the chilies. Transfer to a squeeze bottle with a very small opening.


You can use any mixture of dried chilies—just be sure to include chilies that add heat, like chilies de árbol.

In addition to heat, jalapeños add water to the honey, which keeps the honey easy to pour.

You can substitute up to half of the jalapeños for another fresh chili. Fresno chiles are a great addition.

Be careful not boil the honey or allow it to steam; water loss makes the honey hard to pour.

This recipe can easily be scaled up or down.

Food & Ingredients