Escalon lets you give your customers a taste of the Mediterranean this fall by introducing a new Greek-style pizza to your menu. With its rich, sharp flavors and appealing colors and textures, Greek pizza creates a feast for the taste buds and the eyes. Here are some ideas for marketing your new menu addition:

  • Grab attention on social media with a mouthwatering photo of the new pie and the tagline, “Greek is the word at [your pizzeria name]!”
  • Craft a text message blast offering the new pizza at a discounted price that’s valid for only 48 hours and send it to your entire mobile database.
  • Stress the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet in all social media and marketing materials.
  • Turn a slow weeknight into Toga Night. Anyone who wears a toga over their clothing gets a 20% discount off their check for the night.

Greek Pizza


  • 1 pizza dough ball, stretched to 12” diameter
  • ½ oz. olive oil
  • 4 oz. mozzarella cheese
  • 4 oz. baby spinach, chopped
  • 1 oz. canola or vegetable oil
  • Pinch of salt and pepper
  • 3 oz. diced tomatoes
  • 1 oz. pepperoncini, chopped
  • 1 oz. red onion, chopped
  • 4 oz. feta cheese



Spread olive oil across dough. Add a layer of mozzarella. Mix spinach with canola or vegetable oil. Spread mixture evenly across pizza. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add tomatoes, pepperoncini and onions. Add a layer of feta cheese. Bake on a flat metal pan at 425°F for 15 to 18 minutes or until crust and cheese are golden brown. Makes one 12” pizza.


Recipe of the Month, Recipes