Ravani family, generations of Emilian people, is well known in the food sector because of its good meat. Starting from today they are present on the market also with “Freschissima”, the new fresh pasta, as just home-made, born after more than a century of experience in this field.
Our family has been producing and merchandising food products since the beginning of the twentieth century, one hundred years of experience which leaves its mark on our recipes, in this so typical Italian food, which is always more difficult to make at home, as a result of the modern-day life needs: if you taste a bit of “Freschissima” you can appreciate the whole taste and quality of ravioli, dumplings and lasagne made by Italian mummies and grannies on festival days.
The whole range of “Freschissima” is produced according to traditional recipes, without preservatives or taste enhancers, in full obedience of the strictest food safety regulations and the laws in force concerning the production of pasta and foodstuffs, and choosing just first-rate ingredients. All stuffings are blended not with food powders, but with classic and natural raw materials instead, just to preserve that homemade taste which is increasingly dying out. Eggs are new-laid and not pasteurised ones, in order to get a stiffer and rougher pastry, not different from the one rolled out with the rolling pin. Each production step is controlled, in order to grant to the final consumer only a very high quality product.
We succeeded in melting this homemade quality with industrial production capacity rates (120 Kg./h) offering three production lines able to satisfy any request: the first one packed in plastic trays under protected atmosphere, the second one, aimed to the final consumer, in carton trays which the tradesman can show on the counter under controlled temperature (from 0° to 4°C), and a third range of deep-frozen products.
The packing has been intentionally chosen without any kind of picture, exactly in order to show the whole of this genuine product. In a market where all goods are usually packed in branded wrappings full of colours and pictures, just aimed to display the item, as expressly indicated on the packing, we want to be different proposing a transparent case that does not hide our product because it, thanks to its tastiness and quality, is worth seeing. The only exception is our label, aimed not only to show the name of our product, but also to offer a “plus” to our consumers, suggesting the best recipes to emphasize the taste of our pasta.
At the moment we are able to offer in Italy and abroad a whole range of products, from the simple sheet of pastry for lasagne to Ferrarese cappelletti, from Bolognese tortellini to cappellacci with pumpkin or with ricotta and spinach, from ravioli with marrow or with aubergine to tortelli with 4 cheeses or with potatoes, tortelloni with red turnip or with radicchio or with robiola and racket, potato dumplings or dumplings with ricotta and spinach, egg passatelli, yellow/green/red tagliatelle or
tagliatelle with chestnut.
We are trying to present our products through the specialised press and the trade fairs of the field: for example we were at “Salone del Gusto” in Ferrara, with about 12.000 visitors, who seem to have appreciated our fresh pasta, emptying our desks twice in two days.
We would be glad to send free of cost an unbinding sample of “Freschissima” also to the readers of this honoured magazine: our pasta carries conviction in itself.
Tre Galli – Tresigallo (FE) – tel. + 39/0533/601438 – avirav@libero.it – www.freschissima.it (under construction)