Strategy #132
Rearview Mirror Air Freshener Puts Your Phone Number In Their Face.
Don't you just love the smell of money? Well, with a new product called Scented Hanging Promos, you might just smell a little more. This product is an air freshener people can hang in their vehicles or anywhere else you would hang one. The benefit is that you can personalize these hangers to have your company's logo and phone number on it. You can even add detachable coupons.
This product takes away the hassle of customers looking through phone books for the pizza place number. It is also a great way to target busy people getting off work. They get in the car, tired from a long day at the office, in class, etc., and decide to pick up dinner on the way home. There you are hanging from the rearview mirror ready to feed their hungry bellies.
This product is definitely an asset to restaurants that offer pick-up service because when a customer is deciding where to pick up dinner the answer is swinging in their line of vision. In today's commuter society, this option is a great addition to your marketing plan.
These air fresheners could be marketed to college students by placing their mascot on the hanger. Give them out at move-in days and at orientations. You could even place them on windshield wipers with a menu in commuter parking lots.
A Godfather's Pizza franchise owner in California attested to the success he has had with these scented hangers. "They're coming, they're coming, they're coming! My customers have my phone number hanging right in front of them, they can either cook or call me!"
If your restaurant specializes in delivery it would be easy for people just leaving work to call in an order with the number at their finger tips and arrive home to a hot, fresh pizza.
The hangers could be part of a marketing campaign before the opening of a new store or location. Distribute these at local sporting events. Adding the local high school team's mascot to your hanger provides you a potential clientele of all students' parents who support the team. Sticking with the sports idea, you could sponsor a local little league team. Many restaurants do this and parents will eat up these cute hangers with their kids' team on them. They would then give them to others expanding your potential customers even more.
You could even partner with a local business such as a video store to provide coupons for movies and pizza. A local video store may let you put these air fresheners on their counters, and as people are waiting in line they would most definitely see them. The opportunities for getting your Scented Hanging Promos in the hands of potential customers are limitless. You can choose from 200 die shapes, 20 scents, an unlimited number of colors, a minimum order of 500 hangers all at a competitive price.
For more information about Scented Hanging Promos, contact Pat Robertson at (619) 224-6533 or email Check out their website at
Strategy #133
How Would You Like Your Phone Number to be 1-800-PIZZA-NOW?
You've got great pizza, a great location and a great name. What else do you need? A phone number that's easy to remember would definitely help. How about 1-800-PIZZA-NOW? That is as easy to remember as it gets. If you use 1-800-PIZZA-NOW, your customers won't need to look in the phone book where your competition is because your number is so easy to remember. Incoming calls are routed directly to your pizzeria or, if you have multiple units, to the location nearest the caller or to a call center. What is easier to remember – two words or seven numbers? 1-800-PIZZA-NOW is better remembered than 321-9684 or whatever your number is. Actually, people remember 800 "vanity" numbers about 14 times more often than numeric phone numbers. Vanity numbers are phone numbers that contain part of a company name or spell out a product. Other examples are 1-800-COLLECT and 1-800-FLOWERS. In 1996, 1-800-CONTACTS was doing $3.6 million of business. In 1999, after they began using the vanity number, they grossed over $100 million. You will want to promote this easy-to-remember number. So, put it on your delivery vehicles, print it on your pizza boxes and use it in your TV, radio and media print ads. Get your easy-to-remember number linked to your pizzeria. Of course, you will be the envy of every other pizzeria around. High school students, college students, and 25 to 39-year-olds were asked if they would use 1-800-PIZZA-NOW. Here are some of their responses. High school students' comments were: "Easy to remember." "Don't have to look that one up!" "I can call that number on the way home and have pizza when I get there." College students loved the idea because they don't always have a phone book available. Often, they'll call 411 to get a pizzeria number and take the "luck of the draw" pizza shop. They found 1-800-PIZZA-NOW easy to recall and liked the idea of ordering pizza whenever or wherever they were on campus. This group consumes a lot of pizzas. Ever notice how many pizza shops are close to college campuses? The 25 to 39-year-olds are the most mobile. Always on the go with carpooling, soccer games, or traveling for work, they want instant service. Most carry cell phones and liked the idea of an easy to remember number for pizza! 1-800-PIZZA-NOW is such an easy to remember number, you may be able to reduce the size of your phone book ad. Only one pizza company in each market area gets this opportunity. It's a first come, first served deal. To get a jump on your competition or for more information on this service, please contact Jess Altizer at (614) 459-4493 or 1-800-650-6999 and email: Visit the 1-800-PIZZA-NOW website at
Strategy #134
Peel-A-Deal Provides Prepaid Profits
How many times a year are you hit up by a school, church, youth sports association or other fundraising group wanting money for this or that? Community involvement is a necessary part of running a successful business, but is there a way you can do it that is both hassle-free and profitable? Yes, there is!
The answer is Peel-A-Deal®, a unique fundraiser, peel off coupon card. The cards give pizzerias an opportunity to partner with local schools and non-profit organizations while at the same time increasing pizza sales and customer loyalty. The idea behind these cards is simple. The pizzeria purchases the cards from Peel-a-Deal® (Vision Marketing, Inc.) and either sells or gives them to schools, churches, soccer teams, etc. Then students, parents or volunteers sell them for a fee, say $10.
The card is used by the customer as a savings card. The savings coupons are on the back and customers peel them off and turn them in with their purchase. The coupons have an adhesive back and can stick right on a cash register receipt. Thus, providing easy coupon redemption and tracking for the pizzeria. Peel-A-Deal cards are typically sold to schools and groups on a consignment basis. If a school gets 500 cards and each child at the school sells five cards for $10, the profit is $5,000. If the pizzeria charges four dollars a card and gives the school the other six, the profit for the school is $3,000, and the pizzeria gets $2,000. Schools love this program because they can raise a lot of money in a short amount of time with no risk, as they return any unsold cards to the pizzeria.
Customers love these cards because after one or two uses, the cards pay for themselves. Many Pizza Hut® restaurants have significantly increased their sales while supporting their local communities by offering their own Pizza Hut fundraising program. They advertise this program on their box toppers, table toppers, at the register, and in local advertisements. Schools contact them and sign up for the program. This program has been very successful, increasing sales of these restaurants and raising funds for the organizations that sell them. One Pizza Hut franchise sold 50,000 cards in less than four months, earning them a "prepaid" income of $200,000 (at a profit of four dollars each). That's prepaid income, meaning the profit was realized before any of these customers ever stepped foot in the restaurant!
This is also a good idea for smaller pizzeria owners who are hit up for donations and ad sales in local sports program books, calendars and yearbooks. The requests for donations of products and money to these groups can be numerous over the course of a year. By implementing a Peel-A-Deal fundraising card program, these requests can be met and it can be a win-win for everyone. You can obtain new customers from word of mouth advertising, gain consumer respect in the community, as well as profit from the sale of the cards and the increased customer traffic. One pizza franchise allows their managers to use the money they make from the sale of the cards as extra advertising dollars for their local market.
The company offering Peel-A-Deal®, Vision Marketing, Inc., can supply you with all the tools to start and run a successful fundraising program. They will work with you on designing a customized card for your pizzeria and consult with you on how you can market it to nonprofit groups in your area. For more information on Peel-A-Deal®, please visit or contact Vision Marketing, Inc. at 877-563-5654 or email