In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Skyler Reeves, owner of Rosa’s Pizzeria in Prescott, Arizona, had plenty on his mind—laying off employees that he cares about, consolidating his three stores into one, suspending his catering service—when an unidentified woman walked into one of his shops on Tuesday and handed him an envelope, then hurried away without a word.
According to Fox News, Reeves had to pause from loading curbside pickup and delivery orders to open the envelope. But he was glad he did: It contained an anonymous note and $2,000 in cash.
“Hi there,” the note read. “As a neighbor and lover of Rosa’s, please accept the enclosed and use it as you see fit for your staff.”
“The hairs on my arm literally stood up,” Reeves told Fox News. “I was just so touched with all the craziness going on.”
Reeves had already been forced to lay off half of his 100-person staff due to the coronavirus pandemic. Now he’s using the unexpected windfall of cash to help them as best he can. He has asked his employees to bring him the bill that stresses them out the most so he can help them get it paid—even if he has to pay some of it out of his own pocket.