According to a news report on, “The Wedgies never left. The Humdinger is back. Cheese sticks are on the way, to say nothing of a day care facility and three apartments. Gail Winebrenner, owner of Frostburg Pizza II, has purchased the 28 West Main St. building that houses her enterprise as well as No. 26 next door with a grand scheme to build downtown business and hire more people.”
“In June, dealing as Around the Corner Enterprises, LLC, Winebrenner paid Jean E. Barmoy $110,000 for No. 28, which has 3,944 square feet, and William R. Davis $25,000 for No. 26, with 1,904 square feet. It is in the latter building where Winebrenner will open a day care center,” the story said.
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