Brand marketing nowadays is snarky, savvy, and relatable, especially with the profusion of memes, videos, and gifs. But when Pizza Hut recently repurposed a popular TikTok video to tease a new pizza release, the backlash was swift and strong.

The original TikTok video shows Brittany Tomlinson reacting to kombucha for the first time, and her amusing facial expressions became a meme overnight.

Pizza Hut then repurposed the video on August 21 to tease a possible new pizza next month. However, AdWeek reported that Tomlinson called out the brand, demanding payment for using her material to generate possible revenue.

(Photo credit: Adweek)

Her supporters backed her up.

Pizza Hut deleted the video within hours of posting. However, it raised questions for pizzerias looking to make a name for themselves with “borrowed” content on social media.

Adweek interviewed a lawyer on the subject, and the information can be read here.

Pizza News