“Third grade students all across north Mississippi are learning about farming this week, according to WTVA TV. But, the farm they are visiting isn’t a regular farm; it’s a pizza farm. ‘Our purpose is to try to teach children where food comes from,’ says Lee County Extension service member Sherry Smith. ‘Most of them are so far-removed from the farm they don’t realize it takes a farmer to get it to the grocery store.’”
“The farm consists of ten stops that the students make to learn what goes into making a pizza from the very beggining. ‘You look at the foundation as far as the dough, and soy beans as far as oil,’ says agronomist Dennis Reginelli. ‘You look at the pork industry, beef industy, and vegetable industry with the tomatoes and peppers. One interesting stop is the forestry stop,’ says Smith. ‘It teaches them it takese tree farmers to grow the box it comes in. ’ Pizza was used as a learning tool, but students also learned about items they use everyday that come from Mississippi farmers.”