The Russian version of PMQ, PMQ Pizza & Pasta Russia, is gearing up for its final industry event of the year, and chief editor, Elena Shirokova, took some time out to share with us what happens at each of the industry gatherings.
“We are distributing the ‘culture of pizza’ throughout Russia, explaining how to make pizza dough using different technologies, different toppings, sauces, new equipment and software,” says Shirokova.
Shirokova says that the magazine organizes an event every two months in different cities and towns throughout Russia in order to promote the magazine and school to different regions. The next event will be in Nizhniy Novgorod (the northeastern part of Russia).
In September, around 80 visitors from 48 companies in 16 cities attended the "Modern Pizza Industry in Russia" conference in Voronezh. “Every such event is devoted to those who are interested in the development of their pizzerias and restaurants in terms of technology, recipes, equipment, software, etc.,” says Shirokova. “The speakers and participants are the representatives of the leading companies, manufacturers and distributors of all products for the pizza industry.”
Meanwhile, Skirokova says that the chief coaches from Scuola Italiana Pizzaioli Russia bake pizzas using products from each company. “After each performance, people taste those pizzas and ask questions,” she says. “Both sides take advantage of such conversations, with manufacturers and distributors promoting their brands and products, and visitors learning more about the pizza industry and gaining new manufacturer and distributor contacts.”
To find out more about PMQ Pizza & Pasta Russia, click here.