“A Canadian pizza delivery driver evidently determined to be on time who led police on a high-speed chase in Winnipeg, Manitoba, is going to jail for six months. A court heard how 22-year-old Justin Labrie’s car was clocked doing 70 mph in a 50-mph zone last Nov. 5,” reported UPI.com. “When a police car with flashing lights attempted to pull him over, officers testified the driver stuck his arm out the window and gave them a middle finger before accelerating away.”
“During the chase, he ran a red light and forced two pedestrians to dodge to safety before he parked near a forested area and ran into the bush, the report said. He was eventually found and charged with dangerous driving and resisting arrest. Labrie pleaded guilty to both counts Tuesday, along with charges associated with a further investigation that found a stolen projector from a school, sunglasses and clothes that included a Charlie Sheen T-shirt, the report said. When Judge John Guy asked how Labrie, who had no criminal record, became a “one-man crime spree,” his lawyers explained he suffered from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and had made an “unfortunate decision” to flee from police.”