There’s Only One Way You Can Top an Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie
The Otis Spunkmeyer O-riginals program helps you turn Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough into custom creations with the cookies customers love! With hundreds of topping combinations possible through the use of colorful sprinkles and icing, you’ll never run out of ideas to excite customers and boost sales with these high-impulse items. Program support includes 12 months of promotional ideas, point of sale materials, and easy-to-make recipes for masterpieces such as the May Flowering Cookie Bouquet and the Cinnamon Sugar Cookie Pop.
For more information or to enroll in the Otis Spunkmeyer O-riginals cookie customization program, contact your local sales representative at 1-888-ASK-OTIS or visit http://www.spunkmeyer.com/profit/originals.aspx.