The Wall Street Journal reports, “Having trouble landing investors? Try showing some attitude on Twitter.”
“This approach has worked wonders for Naked Pizza, an all-natural restaurant chain that began using the social-media service five years ago. Owners Robbie Vitrano and Jeff Leach post humorous (and pointed) notes every day, on subjects ranging from nutrition to the state of the food business to out-and-out jokes like, ‘One more glass of wine and I will b buying pop tarts from that damn vending machine for dinner, again.;”
“The New Orleans company says it has gotten about 8,000 investment inquiries in the past year and a half thanks to its online presence. Investors see the tweets—either on Twitter itself or another site that mentions the notes—and then get in touch. About a quarter of the leads ‘have resulted in some form of investment,’ says Mr. Vitrano.”