Costa Group created in Reykjavik the project and the furnishing for the new shop of Haflidi Ragnarsson, one of the most skilled chocolatier in Iceland.

The chocolate is the real great passion of this artist of food: he takes part of the list of the 100 best chocolatiers in the world.

After the transforming of his old laboratory in a bakery with pastry and pralines corner he decided to open a new shop in a commercial centre of Mosfell.

Each shop created by Costa Group looks for an harmonious and appealing mix of design, lights, colours, shapes, decorations specifically developed and based on the characteristics of the shop and on its location; it’s a multifunctional and changing space, open to various activities.

Fittings has to be a team with quality of product and service. The shop has to be moulded on the customer, to be like a “sponge”, able to give and receive, improve day by day, give life and emotions.

That’s what happened in Mosfell’s Bakari.

This shop joins bakery, café, pastry shop, chocolate store and selling point of foodstuffs (sweet and salty packed up products). There’s more retail than foodservice, the sale increased in a percentage of 60% after the opening. 

In the centre of the shop there’s a big counter in U shape. In the left side there’s the café area, with sandwiches for a quick lunch and pastries for breakfast. Here the counter is made of natural oak.

In the front part there’s the ice cream zone: the counter shows steel covers, the front is covered by black glass.

The right side of the counter (the bakery area) has a classical style, as antique furniture, made of natural oak too, with a big exposition of bakery products.

On the right side of the shop there’s a small selling point of foodstuffs, with a tasting zone, a big table for the exposition of the packed up products. Trespassing a grey elegant portal one can go inside the “shop in the shop”, where one can choose gastronomy products, sweet or salty, fresh or refrigerated, taking food and beverage directly out from a window that is charged every day from the back.

On the left side of the shop there’s the sitting area (bigger then in the first shop) with kids area to allow children to play during the meal. And, really important there’s the Chocolate zone with a pralines showcase, and with a fitment to show chocolate packaging. Here is the reign of Haflidi with his really special chocolate creations: the pictures on the back counter show his work.

A big laboratory hidden in the back of the shop is the real hearth of Mosfell’s Bakari.

The materials employed are glass and wood, traditional but with an innovative touch, especially in the graphics, young and creative, and there are four main colours: black, white, orange, wood.



Project and furniture: Costa Group, Designer Luigi Benvenuti

Foto: ©


Mosfellsbakarí, Háholt 13-15

270 Mosfellsbæ


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