According to a news report from, “Wearing a sharp suit, no tie and Italian-style shoes, Mark Blomberg looks like the cosmopolitan owner of a trend-setting restaurant, and in a sense he is. On Wednesday, he debuted his pizzeria on wheels, Pizza Taglia. Inside a big tomato-red truck, his crew prepares and bakes pizzas at the same time the vehicle is delivering them.”
“His tech-savvy operation allows customers to place orders from their cell phones or hand-held computers,” said the story. “It’s not something you see every day in Houston, but such operations are common in parts of Europe, said Blomberg, a Stockholm native. Blomberg is forging alliances with Midtown clubs and bars to allow him to post his menus and deliver pizza slices to patrons. He also plans to park the truck in front of bars and hopes lines will form. His rectangular-shaped pizza slices can be ordered with white or whole wheat flour. The Ronaldinho is made with sauteed spinach, goat cheese, yellow peppers, pine nuts and roasted chicken breast. “We want to be a little bit more creative,” he said. Although Blomberg lamented: “I’m crying when I tell you that in test runs our most popular slice was pepperoni.” He charges $5 for a large slice of pizza and a soda.”