Scored Duck Breast Reduces Labor and Enhances Customer Experience
Milford, IN – April 2, 2007 — Maple Leaf Farms, a leading duck producer in the U.S., introduces a Scored Duck Breast, its newest value-added duck product for foodservice end users. The Chef-inspired solution simplifies preparation to ensure a memorable consumer dining experience.
Scoring is an important aspect of a properly cooked duck breast. Yet time-challenged chefs and untrained cooks frequently skip the step, which can lead to an improperly cooked product. The new Maple Leaf Farms scored boneless breast addresses both cost and labor issues while delivering a consistently high-quality end product.
The Maple Leaf Farms scored duck breast is produced from only the highest quality White Pekin ducks. The product is packed two 7 – 8 oz. scored duck breast filets per vacuum pouch, frozen for your convenience. Scored Duck Breasts can be prepared grilled or sautéed and featured on your signature salads or as an entree.
Americans are becoming more savvy about gourmet flavors and global influences. Duck is a healthy protein alternative that can satisfy the customer’s craving for a distinctive dining experience. Scored Duck Breast makes it effortless to incorporate one of the fastest growing proteins onto any menu. “A duck dish gives a restaurant a point-of-difference and its patrons a reason to return,” shares Cindy Turk, Maple Leaf Farms Foodservice marketing Manager. “With our wide variety of labor-saving products, Maple Leaf Farms Duck is as easy to menu as the simplest chicken preparation,” she adds.
Scored Duck Breast joins the Maple Leaf Farms product line of innovative value added products that includes a variety of duck appetizers, their signature fully cooked Roast Half Duck, Duck Leg Confit and Gourmet Marinated boneless duck breasts such as Roasted Garlic and Tequila Lime.
For more than 45 years Maple Leaf Farms has been recognized as the leading producer of quality duck in North America. Today, this family-owned company dominates the duck market with innovative, value-added products that create memorable dining experiences. For more information about Scored Duck Breast and all Maple Leaf Farm fine products, please visit or call 1-800-348-2812 press 2 for a Service Specialist.
Maple Leaf Farms Grows Value-added Duck Line

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