According to a news report from, “Grant Setsma is turning 8 years old Saturday. Instead of presents and toys, he’s asking for money to help his friend Anthony Negrin. Anthony is diagnosed with a potentially fatal, rare blood disorder, fanconi anemia.”

“I heard he was starting to get sick and that he would need help with money to do it,” Grant says. Grant’s Father, Mark Setsma, is one of the basketball coaches at Bradenton Christian School. Anthony’s brothers are on his team and is prayed for before every game and practice. Setsma tells me the repetition has touched Grant’s heart,” said the story.”It brings me to makes me weep to have somebody, that he, as a 7 year old has shown more hope that in most adults,” Setsma says. More than 30 people packed Zio’s Pizzeria in downtown Bradenton Saturday afternoon. Zio’s donated all the pies for the party. Setsma tells me the money collected will go a long way.”

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