The First-Ever National Independent Pizza Promotion
The History Channel® has teamed up with PMQ to create the first-ever coast-to-coast independent pizzeria promotion and you're invited to participate. The promotion is supported by a $500,000 marketing campaign, yet it won't cost a dime to participate. This is a groundbreaking and unique opportunity for 3,000 independent pizza operators who would like to grab new customers from the pizza-friendly viewers of the Biography and History channels. Everyone in our industry should benefit from the increased awareness of pizza during the months of August and September. Those 3,000 pizzeria's participating in this promotion will be the first businesses offered future promotions of this magnitude. See page 80 for more information or sign up at
Pizza Cruise Set for January
Last year, Linda finally forced me to stop working long enough to take a cruise. I loved it. Since I think about pizza all the time, probably just like you, I thought, "What a great way for workaholic pizza owners and industry people to vacation, get a tan, taste exotic pizza from the Western Caribbean and return to your businesses fresh and with fresh ideas as well. The Pizza Cruise will include equal parts of seminars, brainstorming sessions, fun and sun. Sign up early and save $50. See details on page 35 or visit
New York Pizza Show – Remember November
Remember when McDonalds had to take legal action against a chain for calling themselves "McDavids" or Pizza Hut saw "Pizza Nut" open across the street? We would like to remind all of our readers that the most successful launch of any pizza show was our New York Pizza Show last November. No other pizza show, even Las Vegas, ever opened with the number of registered attendees as PMQ's New York Pizza Show. The greatest pizza market in the world won't be confused about which New York Pizza Show is the real deal. PMQ's New York Pizza Show is the the original, the established and the most successful of all East Coast Pizza Shows…ever.
This is the only trade show that PMQ does and it is the home of the America's Plate International Pizza Competition and the U.S Pizza Team trials. It's also the only trade show that is promoted by PMQ Magazine (Circulation 40,000) PMQ Australia (Circulation 7,000) PMQ Canada (Circulation 8,000) and, which is the most frequently visited website of all restaurant publications. ( Internet Ratings) Remember November! PMQ's New York Pizza Show.
PMQ Wins Two More Gamma Magazine Awards
Last year, PMQ won two GAMMA awards (national magazine awards), and this year we did it again. PMQ won the best magazine redesign for a business publication over one million dollars in sales. We also won the second place in the best website for publications over one million in sales. Spurred on by our success, we hope you'll notice that we are now looking to further improve our design by creating a cleaner and even more contemporary look. Don't worry… you'll still see lots of photos and graphics.
Throw Dough! Yo-Yo!
The World Yo-Yo Competition in Orlando, Florida, has just introduced a new sport to their annual world convention. The first National Throw Dough competition for ages 17 and under will be held Friday, July 29 in Orlando, Florida. If you'd like to register to compete in this event, call Caroline Felker at 662-234-5481 Ext. 125.