Will you be able to say you were there?

I’ll never forget the first copy of Pizza Marketing Quarterly and how exciting it was to see it in print. That was October of 1997. Feedback was coming in, and it felt so satisfying to know that our brand-new mom-and-pop pizza magazine was having a real impact on the pizza industry. Readers were trying ideas they saw in our magazine and our advertisers were reaching new customers.

Now those same tingles of satisfaction are returning as we put together the final touches, book the last speakers, sell the last exhibit spaces and begin to launch our first New York Pizza Show in the greatest location on earth. With over half of all pizza stores within just 700 miles of New York City and the experience, talent and history in the New York area, who can argue with Mayor Bloomberg when he says, “New York is the pizza capital of the world?”
Perhaps it stems from the many restaurant and pizza shows I attended as a pizza store owner, but it has been especially gratifying and thrilling building the New York Pizza Show from the ground up. It’s going to be just the kind of pizza show I would have wanted to visit when I was an owner/operator.

You’ll recognize many parts of the New York Pizza Show as features you’re familiar with in the pages of PMQ. Most of the PMQ experts and contributors you’ve been reading for the last several years will be there meeting attendees over coffee inside the “Ask the Expert Tent” on the show floor immediately after their seminars. The “Think Tank Tent,” sponsored by Grande Cheese, will allow attendees to meet with their peers at various roundtables, which will be dedicated to particular subjects of interest.

The Tradition Begins

Because of the very favorable response to the New York Pizza Show, we have leased the Javits Center for November 1-2, 2005, and for a three-day show November 1-3, 2006. Remember November.

PMQ Wins Two Gamma Awards

PMQ recently won two Gamma Awards for “Best Single Issue for a Business-to-Business Trade Magazine” and for the “Best Magazine Website.” See page 47.

America’s Plate Pizza Competition

The world’s greatest gourmet pizza will be determined at the New York Pizza Show on November 3rd when Australia, New Zealand, Italy and America’s best pizza makers face off. The culinary members of the U.S. Pizza Team have a competition on November 2nd to decide who will represent our country in the international competition the following day. The next chance to earn a spot on the U.S. Pizza Team will be to compete in the Best Pizza contest held at the Sofo Food Show on September 19-20, 2004. Do you have a pizza contest that could qualify as an entry point for the U.S. Pizza Team? Call Caroline Felker at 662-234-5481 x125. 
