According to an article on, "Over the years, I had a number of opportunities to speak with the late Ed LaDou, credited by many as the father of the California-style pizza movement, about his life in the industry. As the original pizza maker at Wolfgang Puck’s celebrated Spago, LaDou created more than 250 pizzas whose avant-garde toppings helped make the restaurant a legend. After leaving Spago in 1985, he created California Pizza Kitchen’s first menu, including its famed Barbecue Chicken Pizza. Later he was founder of Caioti Pizza Cafe in Studio City, Calif., which opened in 1987."
"LaDou died Dec. 27 following a two-year battle with liver cancer," said the story. "Before his death, we had a final chance to share a meal and look back at his career. During a 2006 trade show in Long Beach, Calif., LaDou invited me to nearby Los Angeles for a guided pizza tour. I knew his cancer was advanced and that I might not get the chance to interview him again. His candid remarks came on the condition I wouldn’t publish them until after he died. What follows is a mix of insights gleaned during that visit and in later phone calls and e-mails."
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