March 18, 2010, Anaheim, CA. Anaheim-based Jusuru International, Inc. announced that the 36,000 bottles of patented oxygenated water, valued at $75,000 (USD), it had donated to survivors of the Haiti earthquake had at last been shipped. Jusuru had been trying to arrange this shipment since the early days following the January 12 disaster. The delay was due to the transportation bottleneck caused by the near-total breakdown of Haiti’s port and airport infrastructure as a result of the devastating earthquake. The bottled water — along with many products donated by other manufacturers — were temporarily embargoed until after the most urgently needed medical supplies and equipment had gotten through the transportation bottleneck.
“In keeping with our corporate commitment to give back a portion of our proceeds to charitable causes, we’re very proud to be giving this donation as a result of our early success,” says Asma Ishaq, President of Jusuru International.
“It was extremely frustrating to not be able to get the water to Haiti for some time. The filtered water undergoes a patented oxygenation process here in our Anaheim plant. We’ve had 36,000 bottles of purified water on hand and ready to ship since the disaster occurred.
“The only consolation,” continues Ishaq, “is that the water is finally headed across the ‘troubled bridge’ to Haiti. Actually, we intend the water to be just the first in a series of Haiti relief contributions, which will include human volunteers and other resources. As a matter of fact, I will be traveling there shortly to personally assess — on site — the most practical ways that Jusuru International can help over the long term. This follow-through is in keeping with our corporate charter in which we’ve committed a portion of our proceeds to helping people in need. It’s in our corporate DNA, and we’ll continue these efforts as our company grows.”