Over the last several weeks, there have been countless news articles about raising the minimum wage to a low of $9.00 to as high as $17.00. Business owners invest in labor or capital, so how is investing in capital going to decrease the investment in labor? The phrase “Time is Money” has never made more sense than in today’s business world.
itekPOS is designed to be a flexible, cost effective and efficient point of sale system that gives the restaurant owner “real” return on investment. This tool has been created within a POS to guide a restaurant owner to achieve optimal staffing levels.
itekPOS Prime can tell a restaurant what the anticipated labor cost is going to be – by hour, by day and measure that against anticipated daily sales, all while building the weekly schedule. This new module can monitor a restaurant’s actual sales by day and by hour against the hours clocked and compare those to anticipated/projected labor cost and sales. It will measure the hourly productivity, which measures customer count against staff head count. Expect to receive the same great product originally offered through Basic itekPOS, but with added labor management tools, online ordering capabilities and marketing support with texting and newsletter creation.
With everything constantly changing in today’s business world, the one constant is time. Restaurant owners need to make a paradigm shift in how productivity is viewed as a tool to manage labor cost. Allen has evaluated the tools previously used to be successful as a restaurateur and used those as a basis for the technology in itekPOS to assist today’s restaurant owner in fighting back against higher labor costs.
For more information, go to http://www.itekpos.com, or contact Richard Allen, 877-328-8040, or Richard(at)itekpos(dot)com.