Grain Craft, the largest independent flour miller in the nation, has provided a significant donation to the Kansas Wheat Commission Research Foundation (KWCRF) in support of impactful wheat research. The gift will be directed toward ongoing research to improve wheat quality and yield through proper fertility management.
The research is being conducted by a team of scientists from Kansas State University and USDA-ARS in Manhattan, Kansas. The main goal of the research is to provide management guidelines to Kansas wheat farmers to maximize yield and quality through the proper application of nitrogen and sulfur on wheat. Early results indicate that proper sulfur management can improve key baking characteristics of bread wheat and could decrease acrylamide formation in baked goods.
“The team conducting this research includes some of the brightest scientists in the wheat research community,” said Aaron Harries, V.P. of Research and Operations for the Kansas Wheat Commission. Depending on the discoveries made, this project has the potential to revolutionize the way farmers grow wheat for added value.”
“We greatly appreciate Grain Craft’s support of this important research,” said Ron Suppes, chair of the KWCRF. “Grain Craft has been a leader in engaging in dialogue with wheat farmers and breeders concerning the importance of wheat quality. They have set a good example for the entire supply chain by recognizing the need to invest upstream in research to improve the product they purchase.”
“The research that the Kansas Wheat Commission Research Foundation is doing aligns perfectly with Grain Craft’s ongoing pursuit of high-quality wheat,” said Alan Koenig, Chief Supply Chain Officer for Grain Craft. “We have a shared focus on flour quality with our customers along with the well-being of the U.S. wheat farmer. These two go hand-in-hand, and this project will enable farmers to have higher yield while also bringing a high-quality product to the market.”
Grain Craft has a longstanding relationship with the Kansas Wheat Commission and Kansas State University. The company has supported each with collaborative partnerships, special funding and data analysis assistance throughout the years. In addition, Grain Craft participates in the internship program which is fielded through the KSU Grain Science department.