According to, “Gatti’s Pizza will donate 25 percent of profits that are brought in above its average nightly revenue to City Lights.”
“Texas Tech Health Sciences Center first-year medical students will host the City Lights, 14th annual Lubbock City Lights Charity Ball and seventh annual Lubbock City Lights Golf Tournament. The golf tournament is scheduled for 8 a.m. May 6 at the Rawls Golf Course at Texas Tech, 3720 Fourth St. The charity ball will take place at 6 p.m. on May 7 at the Lubbock Country Club, 3400 Mesa Road. Lubbock City Lights allows medical students to give back to the community through contributions to charities. The money raised this year will benefit University Medical Center Children’s Hospital’s Children’s Miracle Network, Texas Boys Ranch, the Special Olympics and Refuge Services.”