“Flippin’ Pizza has teamed up with Clave Media to develop a branded iPad application that features 2-minute videos created to train younger, tech-savvy staff members. The app was approved by Flippin’ founder Patrick Farley, who wanted to improve on his business’ customer experience. ‘Nobody wants to sit and watch an hour-long video,’ he said. ‘Managers and staff absolutely love (the new app).’ The videos and the iPad app will serve as a resource for all employees moving forward. Using all embedded 2-minute videos, an employee or trainee can learn quality customer service, how to make a pie, food recipes, how to handle an angry customer, etc”.
Curtis Clave, founder of Clave Media, said his team approached Flippin’ Pizza with the idea and with the goal of dramatically increasing engagement of staff members during training. The typical age range for a Flippin’ employee is 16 to 24 years old, “making the iPad the perfect tool to resonate with the staff demographic, which will result in retaining more high quality employees,” he said.”
‘”With the new generation of workers, it is going to be necessary for other brands to follow Flippin’ Pizza’s lead and incorporate the use of modern technology to enhance four walls marketing,’ Clave said. The app also complements the mission of Flippin’ Pizza’s development company FranSmart. ‘Whether it’s initial or ongoing, training produces more capable employees that can easily handle situations ensuring the customer’s experience is positive,’ said Sunny Pinhero, a director of development at Fransmart and a former franchisee with Subway.”