Louisville, KY (February 26, 2008) – Foodservice Consultants Society International (FCSI) – The Americas will partner extensively with the 2008 NRA Show in Chicago.
FCSI is proud to announce a special partnership with the National Restaurant Association Show in Chicago on Monday, May 19. This networking, educational packed day begins with the annual FCSI/SFM Breakfast at the Four Seasons Hotel from 7:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. The activity for the remainder of the day will take place at McCormick Place.
As in previous years, FCSI will participate in the “Ask the Design Experts” clinic. Prior to the show and again, during the show, operators will have the opportunity to schedule a 30-minute appointment for a free consultation with an FCSI Consultant.
In addition to the “Ask the Design Experts”, FCSI has been selected to host two educational sessions. Both sessions will focus on the importance of program and design for new or remodeled facilities. One of the programs will be targeted at restaurant operators and the other program will be targeted at operators in the non-commercial market segment. Both educational sessions will run simultaneously on Monday, May 19 from 12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m.
From 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. FCSI Consultant Members will participate in a walk through of the Kitchen Innovations (KI) Pavilion. Four FCSI members serve on the independent panel of judges, which selects innovations to receive the NRA – KI Award. At 3:30 p.m. there will be round table discussions with FCSI members and manufacturers by invitation, based on pre-announced topics.
The day concludes with an FCSI industry reception at McCormick Place from 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. This reception will be an invitation only networking opportunity!
To register or receive more information about the 2008 NRA Show please visit www.restaurant.org/show
For more information about the FCSI – NRA Show partnership or for an invitation to the FCSI networking reception, contact Wade Koehler, FCSI Director of Public Relations 217.239.2893; (wade@fcsi.org).
With over 1600 members in 45 countries, FCSI is the premier worldwide consulting organization serving the foodservice and hospitality industry with consultant members who specialize in the areas of facility design, operations management, new concept development and technology. Founded in 1954, the Society’s worldwide and The Americas offices are based in Louisville, Kentucky, USA with divisional and regional offices located in Canada, France, German, Italy, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. More about the association can be found on its Web site: www.fcsi.org or by contacting our Sales/Public Relations office as noted above.