“The phone number for A&A Pizza & Hoagies is 876-5683, or, more notably, 876-LOVE.
That’s entirely by design, because the relationship between the Eynon business and its faithful clientele has been a veritable lovefest for close to 40 years,” according to The Scranton Times Tribune .
“Still operating out of its narrow and sparsely decorated original space on Business Route 6 across from the old Sugerman’s, A&A remains one of the prime take-out joints in the Mid and Upper Valley, thanks to its friendly staff and a consistent yet continually expanding menu.
Today, the shop is run by Jimmy Mackrell, whose parents, Al and Joan, started the business in 1974. At first, it was a partnership between them and another family, who eventually parted ways to start another pizza business.
Jimmy Mackrell literally grew up at A&A, and has been working there on and off since he was 13.”