“The owner of Elizabeth’s Pizza knows the power of giving back to the community and this week he’s doing so by raising money for the May 18 Relay for Life event in Rockingham County, North Carolina, reported DanRiver.com. Nello Scotto D’Antuono is giving 10 percent of all purchases Monday night straight to Relay for Life. ‘The event is about cancer,’ Scotto D’Antuono said. ‘My mother went through that, but she was lucky. I have friends in Reidsville with it. It’s a bad disease.”’
“Several members of Scotto D’Antuono’s staff have felt the affects of cancer. Cara McGee lost her grandmother to cancer and Nicole Scott, who is serving on the Relay for Life committee, said her father-in-law also has the disease and is fighting through it. ‘It’s personal,’Scott said. The restaurant is also selling paper starbursts for a suggested donation of $1. Each donor can write their name on the starbursts and have them hung under the counter saying they donated to Relay for Life. Scott said Rockingham County is in the elite $200,000 and up club for Relay for Life, meaning last year the county raised more than $200,000 through this event.”