The Chuck E. Cheese restaurant in the Town of Brookfield, where rowdy adults have become a problem, should voluntarily surrender its liquor license.
According to a news report from, “Why does any Chuck E. Cheese restaurant serve alcohol? It’s a place parents take their children for birthday parties or to get a pizza, play games and be loud. Why are some parents drinking to apparent excess while they’re supposed to be watching their kids?”
“That’s apparently what’s happening at the Chuck E. Cheese on Blue Mound Road in the Town of Brookfield. Town officials will be meeting with company officials this week to discuss the frequent visits police have been making to the restaurant to handle rowdy, fighting adults. The town would like Chuck E. Cheese to voluntarily give up its liquor license. That sounds like a good idea,” said the story. “The Journal Sentinel’s Jacqui Seibel noted in an article last week that Town of Brookfield police were called to the restaurant at 19125 W. Blue Mound Road 81 times in 2007 and the first four months of 2008, according to police records ( Fifteen of those calls involved serious fights, battery or disorderly conduct in progress.”
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