According to, “Domino’s Pizza employees better beware. Screw up an order and your name is mud–digitally speaking, that is.”
“Last week the Ann Arbor, Mich.-based restaurant chain unveiled graphic-heavy online ordering system dubbed Pizza Tracker. Its highly customized software can identify by name the person making a customer’s pizza.”
“‘Pizza Tracker tells us that Stanley is making our order,’ explained Jeff McCrumb, the Web development manager who oversaw the project, during a webcast slide presentation. ‘So [customers] can see what is happening with an order as it is being processed.'”
“Citing NPD Group’s CREST data, officials also announced the chain ranked No. 1 in online ordering sales for the first quarter of 2009 with a 28 percent share, besting both Papa John’s and Pizza Hut. In the past 24 months Domino’s jumped from an 11 percent share to a 28 percent share.”