ANN ARBOR, Mich., April 10 /PRNewswire/ — If Forest Hills, N.Y., residents Bob and Betty Matas would have stepped into anyone else’s cab in Manhattan and asked to go to Forest Hills, the answer may have been “Ehhhh … take a hike.” Lucky for them, cab driver Douglas Guldeniz was ready and willing to take them wherever they needed to go … even to Arizona.
During the ride home, Bob and Betty Matas discussed the challenges they were facing on their upcoming trip to their new home in Sedona, Arizona. Not wanting to put their two cats in the cargo hold of a jet, and unable to drive themselves, the Matases’ were in a jam until Guldeniz came to the rescue and offered them a ride in his yellow cab.
Today, Guldeniz, Bob and Betty Matas and their two cats hit the road in Guldeniz’s cab headed for Sedona, Arizona. The 2,400-mile trek is quite a long hike for Brooklyn native Guldeniz and his Ford Escape taxi cab. While his pockets will be a little fatter with his $3,000 fare, team members at Domino’s thought Guldeniz might be craving a “slice” of home when he arrives and Domino’s Brooklyn Style Pizza is the perfect remedy.
“It’s a rare cab driver who would drive so far out his way to deliver exceptional service,” said Lynn Liddle, Domino’s executive vice president of public relations. “We applaud Mr. Guldeniz’s willingness to go above and beyond to deliver for the Matas family, and we wanted to do a little something for him to say thanks.”
When Guldeniz and Bob and Betty Matas arrive in Sedona, they simply need to call Domino’s corporate public relations office at 734-930-3741 and the pizza is on the house!
“The journey to Sedona is a long one, and we know everyone is going to be tired and hungry when they arrive. What better way to celebrate a long journey than with a free pizza?” said Liddle. “Our Brooklyn Style Pizza is the next best thing to the authentic pizza from any mom and pop Brooklyn pizzeria. Only Domino’s can deliver a taste of the old neighborhood pizzeria no matter where you are.”
For a limited time only, customers nationwide can order a large one- topping Brooklyn Style Pizza for just $9.99. Customers may also add a medium one-topping pizza to their order for just $5 more.
About Domino’s Pizza(R)
Founded in 1960, Domino’s Pizza is the recognized world leader in pizza delivery. Domino’s is listed on the NYSE under the symbol “DPZ.” Through its primarily franchised system, Domino’s operates a network of 8,366 franchised and Company-owned stores in the United States and more than 50 countries. The Domino’s Pizza(R) brand, named a Megabrand by Advertising Age magazine, had approximately $5.1 billion in global retail sales in 2006, comprised of $3.2 billion domestically and nearly $1.9 billion internationally. During the fourth quarter of 2006, the Domino’s Pizza(R) brand had global retail sales of nearly $1.6 billion, comprised of nearly $1.0 billion domestically and approximately $600 million internationally. Domino’s Pizza was named “Chain of the Year” by Pizza Today magazine, the leading publication of the pizza industry and is the “Official Pizza of NASCAR(R).” More information on the Company, in English and Spanish, can be found on the web at