""Mashable.com reports, “Domino’s Pizza has found a novel way to engage iPad users and maybe sell a few more pizzas along the way. The pizza chain has created an app that lets you make a pizza onscreen and then order it in real life. ”

“Domino’s Pizza Hero is a game/app that simulates the experience of kneading dough, spreading sauce, sprinkling cheese, placing toppings and cutting slices all while a timer ticks away. The object is to make the pizza as quickly as possible and to closely mimic the experience of real Domino’s workers. For instance, levels one through five of the game are called “Pizza School,” just like the real program at Domino’s. When you get to level six, your scores are based on reviews from in-game customers much like a fake version of the Domino’s Tracker, the company’s real-time feed of consumer comments.”

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